State and Local Tax Services

Understanding the constantly evolving environment of state and local taxes (SALT) is a challenge for most businesses. There are over 80,000 SALT jurisdictions nationwide, which can create complications for organizations who operate across multiple states.

Whether your business is expanding into additional states, working with remote employees, or selling digital products, it is important to understand how your business operations impact your liability with both state and local tax authorities. Ensuring that your business is compliant is the key to avoiding expensive penalties and unnecessary tax liabilities, while maximizing profit.

What State and Local Tax Services Do We Provide?

  • Audit Representation
    At Pivot Strategic Consulting , we can work directly with the Department of Revenue so that you can concentrate on running your business. We can also support you behind-the-scenes in determining strategic documentation processes and responses to the Department of Revenue.
  • Refund Representation
    We will work with you to reclaim money for your business if you overpaid any state and local taxes.
  • Sales and Use & Abandoned and Unclaimed Property Process Reviews
    We will look for sales tax refund opportunities or issues, creating guidance on what the business should be doing moving forward based on exposures and opportunities. We will also support your business in finding unclaimed paychecks, unused expired gift cards and remitting money to the state.
  • Credit and Incentive Negotiation
    If your business is moving or expanding into a new location, we will work to find credits within various states and localities ahead of time to ensure that there is room for negotiation.
  • Special Purpose Entities
    Where it makes sense to do so, Pivot Strategic Consulting can help you create special purpose entities in order to take advantage of tax benefits.
  • Nexus Study
    We assess your historical, current and expected multi-state activities to determine state and local tax jurisdictions in which prior filings or prospective filings are appropriate. Based on this information, we work with our clients to properly enter voluntary disclosure programs, properly register for the appropriate tax and ensure proper filings going forward.
  • Taxability Studies
    We will review what your business is selling and how products or services are categorized for tax purposes. We will also help you to determine which products are taxable or considered tangible personal property, as well as who the ultimate end user would be for tax determination purposes.
  • Conflict Resolution with the Department of Revenue
    We will support you with administrative items such as clearing liens and establishing payment terms or plans with our contacts at the Department of Revenue.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
    We will work with either the buyer or seller to determine SALT exposure during a potential acquisition.

Contact us to find out how we can help you with your SALT issues!

Who Do We Provide State and Local Tax Services To?

As a SALT professional consultant, we can support both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in any state but specialize in various Pennsylvania taxes, including sales and use, corporate net income, and the bank shares tax, along with multi-state tax issues.

We work with organizations from any industry but have assisted the following industries with more complex SALT compliance needs:

  • Manufacturing (exemptions)
  • Medical
  • Construction
  • Nonprofits (PA application process for becoming tax exempt)
  • Transportation
  • Craft Beverage
  • Cannabis/CBD

We also specialize in partnering with CPA firms, working exclusively as a state and local tax consultant while avoiding competition for other tax and accounting services.

About Pivot Strategic Consulting


Pivot Strategic Consulting provides SALT consulting services for organizations of all sizes. Focusing our efforts on state and local tax matters allows us to better serve our clients and collaborate with our partners.

Our firm’s founder, Jason Skrinak, has a extensive background in public accounting and SALT consulting services. He is well-regarded in the region for his thought leadership and expertise in state and local tax issues.