
Pivot Strategic Consulting provides state and local tax consulting services. Founded in 2020, Pivot was founded through adversity. Our founder, Jason Skrinak, coaches his daughter’s basketball teams and always advises them that regardless of the obstacle, you can improve your situation by pivoting and using creative thinking. It is a philosophy that we apply to our work with clients.

Navigating Obstacles with State and Local Tax Requirements

At Pivot, we know that managing state and local tax requirements can be demanding on an organization and present many obstacles. Our founder, Jason, assists clients with navigating these obstacles by helping clients manage risk and identify opportunities across the states where they do business.  

We Believe in Collaborating with CPAs

Being focused specifically on state and local taxes, Pivot is well-positioned to directly help companies or work with partners such as CPA firms to collaborate and help their clients. Our only focus is on state and local tax consulting. We do not compete on most tax and accounting services.

Our main goal is to provide solutions for clients.

About Jason Skrinak

Jason Skrinak has over 20 years of experience providing state and local tax consulting services. He has assisted clients with a variety of needs such as working with the Department of Revenue for an audit, credit and incentive negotiations, taxability studies, nexus studies and other state and local tax services.

He has provided services for both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in various industries, including manufacturing, transportation, construction, craft beverage and more.

To learn more about our services, contact us today!